College of Education Alignment Plan Overview

The College of Education at East Carolina University cultivates an environment of academic excellence and intellectual inquiry that provides students with a welcoming place to learn and make new friends, and access to resources and opportunities of one of the region’s most innovative research universities. The COE’s success can be measured by the unprecedented support of our students by our faculty, administration, and support staff.


The mission of the College of Education is the preparation of professional educators and allied practitioners, including professionals in counseling, electronic media, and librarianship. Significant to this mission is a strong commitment to three important related areas, all of which are realized through partnerships and other endeavors. These three areas are: 1) the encouragement and nurturing of professional growth for educators and allied practitioners at all levels and in all areas of the educational endeavor; 2) a continuing emphasis on and support for scholarship and research/creative activity; and 3) service in all areas of professional education. Critical to such commitment is the promotion of effective teaching; staff participation in the improvement of schools; and, in concert with other state agencies, the development and creation of educational policy for North Carolina.


The COE is committed to the vision of developing tomorrow’s talent. The COE strengthens the educational experience by fostering an environment enriched by students’ and faculty’s varied backgrounds, perspectives, and abilities.

Summary of Unit Strategies

Mission Priority 1 Objective 1: We will establish and support mentorship programs, affinity groups, and scholar communities to foster students’ sense of belonging and personal growth. We will proactively identify academic barriers to matriculation and implement targeted initiatives to support student persistence in their educational program.

To prepare professional educators and allied practitioners, the College of Education seeks to improve undergraduate degree efficiency and ensure opportunities for all students by focusing on student belonging, personal growth, and student retention. Mentorship and scholarship programs, and the creation of new student affinity groups and service-learning activities, will increase student engagement across degree programs. We will conduct data analysis to identify academic barriers to student attrition and develop initiatives and policies that lessen or remove these barriers. Through these efforts, we hope to increase our annual undergraduate graduation rate by 4%.

Mission Priority 1 Objective 2: We will develop and promote virtual, job-embedded local, regional, and global learning experiences to foster the development of students’ practical skills, personal growth, and real-world readiness.

The COE collaborates with K-12 schools, regional educational organizations, and community partners to offer a range of student experiences. We will expand “study-away” experiences, research collaborations, and service projects, providing opportunities for students to address current educational challenges and contribute to innovative teaching and learning. We will actively market the college’s unique learning experiences and success stories to attract prospective students and showcase the value of these programs to stakeholders.

Mission Priority 1 Objective 3: We will introduce and sustain innovative programs, certifications, and micro-credentials based on state and regional workforce needs that enhance students’ professional readiness, resilience, and growth.

To meet regional workforce needs, the College of Education will increase enrollment in graduate certificates and develop additional micro-credential opportunities by 2028. Emerging trends and skill gaps will be identified in collaboration with employers, alumni, and organizations, coupled with state and regional workforce data. We will focus on flexible learning options, including online, part-time, or accelerated programs to accommodate the diverse needs of students. Targeted marketing campaigns, high school and community college outreach, and participation in job fairs and industry conferences will underpin recruitment efforts.

Mission Priority 2 Objective 2: We will develop resources and implement activities to support faculty in sponsor identification, proposal submission, and application of awarded funds to support community engagement activities.

The Office of Research and Innovation will connect faculty with grant writing resources and provide guidance and resources for faculty on effectively managing awarded funds. We will maintain a database of potential sponsors interested in supporting education-related community engagement activities. The use of interdisciplinary faculty teams will foster innovative community-engaged project ideas and increase the competitiveness of grant applications.

Mission Priority 3 Objective 1: We will develop and provide professional learning opportunities and experiences for regional school personnel and other adult learners through a variety of formats.

To serve and strengthen our regional workforce, the College of Education will offer a range of professional development opportunities for school personnel and adult learners, and foster communities of practice where educators and adult learners can share experiences, network, and provide peer support. We will use targeted marketing, social media, email campaigns, and media partnerships to raise awareness of offerings and showcase our success stories and impact. We will gauge our success through the number of annual opportunities offered, with a goal of increasing total offerings by 10% by 2028.

Mission Priority 3 Objective 3: We will collaborate with regional partners to establish accessible and affordable pathways to our College of Education programs, creating a seamless transition for aspiring educators into our institution and back to regional schools and districts as qualified professional educators after completion.

The College of Education is committed to regional economic prosperity and sustainability. We will develop agreements with community colleges and districts to create and sustain educator pipelines, implement early outreach programs that introduce K-12 students to the teaching profession, and revise our transfer degree plans and policies. We will explore ways for undergraduates and non-degree students to earn credit that may be applied to graduate programs. We will measure our success by increasing our transfer enrollment by at least 57 students or 10% of our 5-year average transfer enrollment while working to reduce student debt at completion by 13.5% and increasing the graduation rate by 4% by 2028.

Vision Priority 1 Objective 1: We will actively pursue and secure funding from a variety of sources to expand economic accessibility to college programs for a broader spectrum of students. These may include, but are not limited to, scholarship funding; tuition stipends through grant-funded programs, and paid internship opportunities.

V1.1.2: The College of Education faculty and staff, in collaboration with our ECU Community School (ECUCS) leadership and teachers, will identify and implement innovative teaching methods, student supports, and interventions that enhance the ECUCS scholar learning experience and promote student success.

To support accessibility and affordability, we will seek external funding for scholarships and fellowships, in addition to partnering with districts, community colleges, and educational organizations to identify new paid apprenticeship and internship opportunities. We will measure our progress in this area by examining the total funds awarded to students annually, with a goal of increasing total funds awarded to $1,000,000 by 2028. Additionally, faculty and staff will collaborate with the ECU Community School with a goal of achieving at least a “B” performance grade by 2028.

Vision Priority 2 Objective 2: We will support faculty in the development of curriculum and student supports that foster an inclusive environment that welcomes a broad representation of persons and perspectives.

We will use student surveys, focus groups, and faculty self-assessments to complete a needs analysis and determine faculty needs related to fostering inclusive learning environments. Results of the analysis will be used to identify resources and implement supports for faculty. Faculty peer groups will provide a venue to discuss shared experiences, challenges, and successes in creating inclusive classrooms.

Vision Priority 2 Objective 3: We will develop and implement new employee onboarding and ongoing mentorship and professional development opportunities for faculty and staff to support skill development and career advancement.

Employee onboarding programs will introduce the college’s mission, culture, policies, and expectations. Based on regular needs analysis, we will offer in-person and online faculty and staff development opportunities and fund additional development opportunities for staff. We will establish a college-level recognition program for faculty and staff who excel in their professional development and make significant contributions to the college community.

Contact Dr. Holly Fales with questions or opportunities to collaborate.